EnergyAustralia: Senior leadership support & a determination for success

ENERGYAUSTRALIAMelbourne, Australia. Workplace Giving Australia. 2019. Article


Alignment to purpose and the social issues that matter to its people enabled strong employee buy-in.


  • 63% of its 2,300 workforce are participating in workplace giving since launch
  • Collective impact of over $250,000 donated to charity
  • Strategic three month pre-launch campaign to engage all employees and offer of a company donation to all charity partners in advance of the program’s ‘go live’ date
  • Significant leadership and support from the Managing Director and senior leadership team, including compulsory 1% donation from Board and Executive Management
  • Program designed with an ‘opt-in’ default setting for new employees


  • EnergyAustralia (EA), supplier of gas and electricity to more than 2.5 million customers across Australia, has a strong focus on community support, volunteering and fundraising
  • The implementation of a workplace giving program was a natural step for the business enhancing its commitment to making a positive contribution to the community and drive employee engagement and team spirit
  • EA’s Managing Director was significantly involved in the program, directing its design and strategy to drive engagement and social impact as well as allocating dedicated resources to develop and implement the program
  • The program was designed to reflect social issues connected to business purpose that resonated with its diverse workforce. Focus areas are education, cancer, homelessness and mental health.  Nine charities were selected by employees including five local charities at each regional site and appointed for a multi-year partnership
  • Launch communication was delivered three months prior to program commencement via non digital channels, including letters to employees’ home addresses and face to face meetings, highlighting that EA would donate $1 per week from October to December on the employees’ behalf prior to the program going live, reinforcing the huge impact they could have if everyone contributed
  • Sparking much engagement and discussions amongst staff, flyers with an EA $2 coin were dropped to employees’ desk, asking them to place the coin in jars located in high traffic areas at each site to support a charity of choice. The amount in each of the jars was then donated to the charities
  • A range of campaign communication was utlised, including intranet, newsletters, briefings, posters, flyers and videos to raise awareness while promoting the program. To gain support, all EA leaders were briefed on the program prior its launch
  • A ‘Share the Love’ expo was held on Valentine’s Day, which highlighted and connected charity partners with team members
  • A positive workplace giving impact example is the Friends of Jamestown Ambulance (a charity supporting volunteers for Hallet’s local ambulance service), which has more than tripled its usual income from donations as a result of the EA workplace giving program

2019 Australian Workplace Giving Awards


Best Launch or Refresh (Employer)



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