IBM Australia: Highly commended volunteering program

IBM AUSTRALIASydney, Australia. Workplace Giving Australia. 2020. Article


IBM Australia offers up to 20 days paid volunteering leave to employees who are SES and NSW RFS volunteers.”


  • IBM offers global pro bono and volunteering programs that are deployed across 40 nations
  • A long-standing program to support employees who volunteered with the NSW State Emergency Service and the NSW Rural Fire Service was increased to offer up to 20 days of paid annual leave
  • The IBM Service Corp employee pro bono consulting program is a feature of the partnership with the Taronga Conservation Society (TCS). A dedicated team of IBM volunteers are providing pro bono consulting to the TCS on the issue of the estimated three billion animals impacted by the recent bushfires. Scoping work is well underway to enhance data and analytics insights related to TCS’s Breed and Release programs

OVERVIEW + HIGHLIGHTS is IBM’s global online platform for all things volunteering and Corporate Social Responsibility. IBMers can find volunteering opportunities, donate to charities of their choice, record their volunteering hours, apply for community grants and read about IBM’s investment in community according to their region and local issues in focus. There are three structured programs available:

  • Pathways In Technology (P-TECH): A global education initiative. In 2020, Australian IBMers have supported the 13 P-TECH schools across Australia by regularly mentoring students, acting as guest speakers and supporting IBM site visits.
  • Blue Day Out annual volunteering day for all employees. In October 2019, IBMers volunteered for Beach Cleanup, Red Cross Blood donations, grant writing for various nonprofits, fence repair in regional communities and warehouse duties for various nonprofits.
  • Blue Good Fund to support volunteering in local communities In its first year, grants from the fund were provided to a range of local community projects with IBMers providing technical and volunteering support. Examples include:
    – Surf Life Saving QLD for the purchase of safety
    – Rebuilding of fences following the ACT bushfires
    – Mentoring of primary school students as part of a
    global robotics competition
2020 Australian Workplace Giving Awards


Best Pro Bono / Workplace Volunteering


Highly Commended

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