JB Hi-Fi: Exceptional leadership support

JB HI-FIMelbourne, Australia. Workplace Giving Australia. 2020. Article


Excellent strategic relationship with charity partners and evidence of what the funding has enabled. Very high participation rate backed by exceptional leadership and role-modelling.


  • Since its launch in 2008, $20m has been donated
  • A participation rate of 75% of 8,500 staff members reflects the continued importance of workplace giving (wpg) to JB Hi-Fi and its team members
  • Every week, almost 6,500 team members donate to Helping Hand’s ten charity partners and their donation is matched dollar for dollar
  • Helping Hands has maintained participation levels over 60% for more than five years


  • JB Hi-Fi is an Australian and New Zealand retailer of consumer goods, specialising in video games, electronics/hardware and home appliances. JB Hi-Fi has 200 store locations across Australia, employing more than 8,500 staff.
  • JB Hi-Fi has a strong commitment to wpg which is evident by the support from leadership and senior team members.
  • The Group CEO volunteers 10 working days per annum to champion wpg with external business leaders and Chairs Workplace Giving Australia’s Employer Leadership Group, which has the charter to motivate other leaders to support this form of giving.
  • JB Hi-Fi has continued to evolve the program and in August 2019, employed the first internal position as a dedicated resource to manage the giving program.
  • An internal champion network was also developed (one champion per region) to support the rollout of any initiatives relating to wpg and assist with communication at store level, providing another channel for engagement and communication across geographically diverse retail
  • A new induction process was implemented to inform all new employees about the program. They introduced a version of ‘opt out’ that is a ‘make a choice’ approach whereby new employees must indicate whether or not they want to join the Helping Hands program.
  • Support for charity partners is extended to the vast customer base via the ‘Change for Change’ in-store collection boxes and in-store campaigns.
  • They recently implemented a charity rotation policy in the program. JB Hi-Fi works individually with each charity partner to encourage them to expand their network of donors and supporters. Helping Hands is committed to helping to build the sustainability of its charity partners.
  • The Helping Hands program is communicated regularly to staff via the company intranet, internal social page Yammer, as well as small and large events.
  • Watch the video 
2020 Australian Workplace Giving Awards


Best Overall Program



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