JB Hi-Fi : responding to the team’s passion and commitment to take practical action on climate change

JB HI-FI Australia. 2021. Article


The program’s strength is the strong relationship with its charity partners and demonstrating the impact to staff.  Helping Hands has continued to innovate and encouraged customer giving in stores. To be commended for actively advocating the benefits of WPG widely across the corporate sector.


  • 72% of 8,500 JB Hi-Fi team members participate in the Helping Hands WPG program
  • Excellent commitment from the leadership team and close relationships with charity partners
  • JB Hi-Fi has maintained participation levels above 70% for the past five years and this high participation rate continued despite the challenges of Covid 19
  • The average donation amount increased by 4% to $215 per team member
  • In FY2021 $3.2m was donated to the Helping Hands charity partners
  • A total of $26.5m has been donated to Helping Hands charity partners since 2008
  • Has continued to innovate and remain relevant to team members and the causes they care about


  • JB Hi-Fi is an Australian and New Zealand retailer of consumer electronics and home appliances. It has 200 stores across Australia, employing more than 8,500 staff.
  • JB Hi-Fi has extended its commitment to not only having a best-practice workplace giving program, but has extended its learnings to others in the sector, which has helped numerous other companies also implement great WPG programs.
  • Even through the rolling cycle of Covid-19 lockdowns, that at times meant more than 50% of the store network was closed, JB Hi-Fi has run customer-facing fundraising and awareness campaigns for selected charity partners.  Team members have rallied behind the campaigns and displayed their individual and team creativity in themed dress days, posters and other social media efforts to promote their charity partners.
  • JB Hi-Fi has continued to be bold in finding new ways to keep Helping Hands relevant, real and helping smaller less known charities achieve big social change and impact. The rotation strategy Helping Hands has developed is helping new charities join and receive a share of the annual funds that are flowing year on year. Existing charity partners that have enjoyed on average a decade of support and around $1m of funding are respectfully farewelled with a clear time-line and commitment of a customer facing fundraising campaign.
  • In 2021, the company introduced a new WPG charity partner, Earth Squad that comprises “2040” and “Carbon8” and focuses on supporting practical initiatives that have a significant impact on the environment.  This was in direct response to a team member survey which stated that they wanted to be able to take practical action on the issue of climate change.
  • A comprehensive communications program is in place to raise awareness of Helping Hands and the opportunity that workplace giving offers to every employer. This work has been maintained through COVID and been helpful in keeping the team informed across internal and external communication channels including Yammer, our store operations, and more actively on our facebook and Instagram handles.

2021 Australian Workplace Giving Awards


Best Overall Program (Large)



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