NAB helps UNICEF in the global fight against COVID 19, supporting the world’s most vulnerable in the process

UNICEF AUSTRALIA Australia. 2022. Article

From the Judges

“Some great creative thinking here to address an unexpected but important issue. Good to see the dollars added beyond the ‘shot’ amounts.”

Results + Features :

  • 7,968 NAB employees recorded getting their jab. $47,808 ($6 per staff member) was donated, which equates to 9,561 vaccination shots to the most vulnerable communities in the Pacific.
  • Further, NAB contributed $219,600 towards the Give the World a Shot campaign, which was 80% of their proceeds from their Annual Charity Trading Day.
  • With their partner FACEBOOK/META, NAB provided $10,000 in paid media to help promote and elevate the program even further, demonstrating the importance of the message and the partnership generally.
  • UNICEF Australia liaised with NAB from the launch through to the execution of the campaign and continues to steward the ongoing relationship.

Overview + Highlights :

  • UNICEF Australia is a children’s charity which works to protect vulnerable children, globally and here in Australia. They fundraise and support both domestic and international development programs, focusing on education, child protection, child survival, nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene, and humanitarian emergencies.
  • NAB have been helping customers with their money for more than 160 years, offering a variety of banking products and services, ranging from small and medium enterprises through to Australia’s largest institutions.
  • Every year, UNICEF vaccinates nearly half of the world’s children against preventable diseases and has played an instrumental role in vaccinating the world against COVID-19.
  • UNICEF Australia launched a fundraising campaign ‘Give the World a Shot’ which inspired the partnership with NAB – Get a Jab, Give a Jab to help Give the World a Shot. Each time a NAB employee received their vaccination, NAB donated a vaccine to a person in need in the Pacific region, helping to close the gap on vaccine inequity.
  • NAB used multiple channels to get the awareness, starting with their staff and fundraising via workplace giving but moving to a campaign led re-brand, broad awareness programs and then further fundraising initiatives.
2022 Australian Workplace Giving Awards


Most Innovative Charity and Employer Partnership



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