AWLA – We couldn’t exist without workplace giving, you and your staff

ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE AUSTRALIA (AWLA)Melbourne, Australia. Workplace Giving Australia. 2020. Article

Workplace giving and its importance for AWLA
Workplace giving contributions from organisations such as JB Hi-Fi, Collins Foods and Starbucks make a huge difference to the lives of companion animals across Australia. Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, workplace giving donations became even more critical. Here is just one example from AWLA’s Dogs Homes of Tasmania:

What do you need in the middle of a pandemic – a pandemic of puppies!
Since the beginning of lockdown, the Dogs Homes of Tasmania has handled eighty-eight puppies. Many of the puppies from Northern Tasmanian shelters had to be moved to Hobart where AWLA had a greater number of foster carers. AWLA received Government approval to allow them to move the animals between shelters and the puppies were collected, vet checked, vaccinated, wormed and then sent out to foster carers. The quarantine requirements also meant that AWLA was unable to accept physical donations of treats, toys and beds and workplace giving donations helped AWLA to cover the costs of these items and important requirements such as puppy mats and vet costs.

As a result of social distancing requirements, AWLA also had to implement a new online process for adopting out puppies, which was made possible as a result of ongoing workplace giving donations. AWLA is pleased to report that all puppies born during the crisis have found secure and loving homes. Without the support of our workplace giving donors, AWLA would not have had the resources to deal with the influx of COVID-19 babies. The staff, foster carers, owners and puppies thank each and every one of their workplace giving donors for their support.

Workplace Giving Australia is proud to partner with Charity Task Force member Animal Welfare League Australia.

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